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Web Development

HTML5 Mobile App Framework Using Sencha Touch

written by Admin | Mar 30, 2017
HTML5 Mobile App Framework Using Sencha Touch

For developing an app we need to choose the correct web framework on which the mobile development can be done. There are so many frameworks available in the online market but we came to know about Sencha Touch. Sencha Touch is new in the market and user friendly as well. It provides you the facilities of proper user interface components. This framework can be used on all the operating system. It has HTML5 and CSS web advanced scripts. Either we can keep them on web based technology or we can provide them to the app stores.

Sencha Touch can produce complete native UI quality. When it comes to build a native app we need to prefer Sencha Touch as priority as it gives all the features that is required in building up native app. Where there are some good things bad things may occur. We have discovered this thing that there are some features of Sencha Touch still in packaging. That means it is in BETA. There are different levels of testing after the app is developed. Though none of the bugs has been found yet but still some quality features are still in testing and yet to come in market. It is one of the finest web framework used for the native app development. But i think we should take it in a right way as without having all features done by the testing this framework is rocking with it’s salient features. Imagine if all the features will be back with the Sencha Touch and it could not be in the control. It is very big decision for the developer that on which platform should he develop the applications. Both native and hybrid apps have their prons and cons. Generally, native apps are considered better than the hybrid apps in terms of functionality, development speed, compatibility etc.

It is very rather easy to develop the app which is stored only in the devices online than develop apps which are website based. This framework is international acceptable, mobile apps development company Australia also makes use of this. Website based apps for development becomes hard as it is used by any of the user who doesn’t have the mobile feature to operate the applications. The less time it takes for an app to be developed it gives more revenue. The more time it takes for the development it gives loss to the business. This is why developer prefer to use native apps development because it is user friendly and easily readable.

Key elements of Sencha Touch:

#1 Overview

If we compare Sencha Touch with other frameworks then the most of the users will be favourable to the Sencha touch. It provides the easy and trouble less development kit for the users and are highly understandable. Doesn’t matter whatever it be the size of the web application it is the magnificent framework to be used for developing the native apps. Makes an estimation of the website so that it can be compatible with all the devices running on different operating software. It has separate themes for ios and android operating system. You can easily read and write the HTML5 and CSS inbuilt inside Sencha Touch. It also supports the animation technology which means while developing you can use both the normal text as well as animation support. You need to take a chance for this framework analyses does it is fits for your project. Your project will totally done with the help of Sencha Touch that too with advanced terminologies. There is a tutorial available on the website of Sencha Touch. Have a look and take your decision.

#2 How to download the Sencha Touch web framework?

The downloading part is very easy in Sencha Touch. All you need to do is go through the website and click on the download button. Depending upon your internet speed it will get download completely either on your pc or mobile devices. After downloading you have to open the index. Html file which is available inside the examples folder. Search for your suitable app and start learning easily. You have many operational functionalities in examples folder. The finest app of Sencha Touch ever is kitchen sink app. It shows all the worth abilities of the Sencha Touch framework. So definitely look for this app to explore more.

#3 User interface with animated menu

If you choose the interface button over the left of the website you will come to know the features. As of now it seems like they haven’t add all the features in the animated menu but very soon we will be able to see it as they are still working on the packaging of the Sencha Touch and no bugs have been discovered yet. This is used for the coding purpose. You can set your table tags for the queries and insert the new codes in the content. This is the place where you can get the coding done and your work also becomes easy.

#4 Animations features

As mentioned above the crucial part of the examples folder is kitchen sink app. This is used to explore more and more animation features. If you click the animations button you will be able to change the animation settings of the application you are using. At present it is still in BETA testing so no documentation is available but once it is completed very soon it will be available on the websites as well. If you start working with Sencha Touch you can have the knowledge of pop, flip, cube, and fade.


All together this web framework is best among all. It’s just that it is still in testing which is not allowing some features to be operated on tech website but very soon once testing is done all the documentations will be available and worth to work. Find a dedicated sencha touch developer in india who can increase your business with his skills. It is in the demand of many developers before it’s testing. If you want to develop your native app then don’t miss this framework and make use of it.

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