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Web Development

What makes Sails.js the best node.js web framework?

written by Admin | Jan 02, 2017

There are various reasons which ha increased the popularity of Node.js and it also makes the the best web development framework among the developers and programmers. The reason why this framework is highly-favored is because it is easy to understand. It is plain sailing to write the JavaScript on the server and client side by the use of Node.js. One of the best node.js web framework is Sails.js .

All you need to know about Sails.js :

Sails.js is the best web framework which helps the developers in building the feature-rich websites. It is the amazing MVC architecture from the frameworks as the Ruby on Rails but including the enhanced support or the data oriented easy of developing the web apps. It also works wonders for developing real time features as the live chat. Sails.js also works in best way with Angular and Backbone.

The MVC pattern which is being used is constructed on the Socket.IO and Express. It is the best for writing data oriented apps. Sails.js goes best with the front-end frameworks.

How Sails.js is helpful:

By making use of the Sails.js, you will be able to:

  • Develop the MVC structures

  • Support the WebSockets in real time.

  • Making use of plugin system is best.

  • Generated REST APIs is easy through Sails.js .

Working of Sails.js :

Here is the way this Sails.js framework works:

#1 Loading the file:

Salais.js framework makes it easy to put your files under the API before beginning your server from the framework for loading the files. The configurations also gets loaded automatically by this Sails.js development framework. For developing the prototype faster, this Sails.js is the best.

#2 Web server in Sails.js :

Sails.js makes use of the Express 3 web server, It also helps the developers for migrating to Express 5.

#3 If ORM is concerned:

First you have to get Sails.js with the Waterline and then alter for different ORM down the line as such. For functioning this task, you will have to disable Waterline which will help to use other kind of ORM.

#4 Web Socket in Sails.js :

Sails.js is the web framework which makes use for the Socket.IO. For making use of different option, at first you will have to disable the Socket.IO first.

#5 REST API in Sails.js works itself:

REST API in Sails.js appears to be as the blueprints. Well, you will be able to configure them for disabling or enabling work which you don’t opt for generating by itself.

All you need to know about Model View Controller:

Sails.js works on the base of Model View Controller framework (MVC framework). If you are the developer who have used the Ruby on Rails or the Laravel then you will find that developing the Sails app is similar to Laravel or ROR. It also means the HTML view when it makes use of the data through tech Controller itself.

Real Time communication through Sails.js :

The Socket.IO will help to establish event based communication in the server and client base. Sails.js helps in integrating Socket.IO and fold it by the abstraction-level API for offering best way of convenience. Sails.js is very efficacious for developing the multi player gaming applications send the chatting applications too.

Final Word:

Well, there are many times of node.js frameworks available to the developers for the node.js development services to the clients. Sails.js is tech standout because of the above mentioned factors. The above listed features makes this Sails.js the best node.js framework which is highly-favored among the developers and programmers. The best framework for creating fully-functional industry-specific web apps which runs smoothly.

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