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Top 10 In-Demand Programming Languages in 2021

written by Nidhi Sharma | Mar 25, 2021
top programming languages 2020

Top Programming Languages 2021

Technology has a dramatic impact on our lives. As most individuals started to efficiently program computers, programming languages became more potent with luxurious features and high functionality.

Programming languages are used to instruct the computer in a language that the computer understands.

It’s a set of commands and instructions that empowers humans to instruct and control machines efficiently. It can help you create a software program integrating rich features via keeping up with the recent trends.

Mainly, programming languages are categorized into two categories one is a high-level programming language, and the other is low-level language.

High-level programming languages are designed to be easy to read and understand. It enables developers to write source code in logical words or symbols. The best example of the high-level programming language is Java, C++, PHP, and a lot more.

A low-level programming language provides developers with a minimal amount of abstraction at the smallest possible cost to perform and offer efficiency. A program written using low-level programming language can be made to run very quickly with a small memory footprint. The best example of the low-level programming language is assembly language.

So far, thousands of different top programming languages have created. You must be wondering which is the best programming language in 2021? Most of the programming languages consist of instructions for computers to implement algorithms. With several programming languages available, selecting the one can be a daunting task. Furthermore, it has become essential to possess programming knowledge for individuals to get desired placement worldwide.

top 10 programming languages

As per the Stackoverflow, there are 67% of programmers who like to write code in Go language and the other 15% want to try it after Python and JavaScript. Google also declared to work with the Go language, hence we can say the future is with the Go language due to its most attractive feature ‘simplicity’. 

Even after having so much popularity, Go lang is not in so much demand of developers as per shown in this graph released by Github. According to Octoverse 2019, this language was not among the top 10 programming languages of the last decade but now, it has 10th place in the list of fastest growing languages.  

Let’s know more about the most in-demand programming languages among developers worldwide as of 2021. 

New Programming Languages of the 2021

To answer your curiosity, here we are listing top 10 programming languages of the future that will emerge in 2021. The coming year is considered as the progressive era in terms of programming languages that might bring the programming world to a new place altogether.

Without further ado, let’s find the new programming languages 2021 for mobile app development, web development, game development and a lot more.

1. Python

Python was first released in 1991 and created by Guido van Rossum. It’s the first love for any novice user since the early 1980s. Python is one of the simplest languages considered to be a high-level, general-purpose interpreted programming language.

This may surprise you seeing this language here on number #1. Let us help you find the reason. This futuristic user-friendly programming language is fast to code and easy to learn.

According to a report from IEEE Spectrum, Python is a king for a majority of ranking metrics, and it reigns in the enterprise, web, and embedded programming landscapes.

Python is considered as a gold mine of capabilities enabling developers to develop virtual reality-based app offering ultimate user experience. This versatile language is used to develop a variety of applications. It offers a seamless experience and is provided with endless possibilities to create the next big thing using trending technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Python Framework:-

  1. Djang  
  2. Flask   
  3. Falcon
  4. Growler
  5. Pycnic
  6. Giotto
  7. Hug      
  8. Pyramid 
  9. Tornado
  10. Sanic


  • Extensive library support
  • Object-oriented language
  • High-level language
  • User-friendly data structures
  • Platform Independency
  • Presence of third-party modules
  • Open-source with the ever-growing popularity
  • Easy to learn
  • Offer the ability to develop a complex application
  • User-friendly data structures
  • Focuses on the code readability
  • Databases Connectivity


  • Limitation of Speed
  • For Mobile Development g
  • Python Memory Consumption is high.
  • Run time error
  • Problems with Threading
  • Limitation of DataBase Access


  • Operating System Development
  • Web Framework and Web Application Development
  • Enterprise and business applications
  • For Prototyping
  • Graphical User Interface Desktop Application Development
  • For Game Development
  • Data Analysis
  • Image processing
  • Scientific Applications

2. Java

top 10 programming languages

Being in the industry for years, it captures the developer’s attention. It first appeared in 1995, with flexible options to run any browser window.

Java is a general-purpose computer network programming language that is simultaneous, class-based, object-oriented, and specially designed to have as few dependencies as possible on execution. It is designed to allow application creators to “write once, run anywhere” (WORA), which means that compiled Java code can run on all Java-supporting systems without recompiling.

A recent survey conducted by the TIOBE index stated, Java has become a top programming language.

It can adapt to a dynamic environment that promotes dynamic allocation of memory by reducing memory waste and increasing application performance. By using a bytecode, which can be readily translated into native machine code, Java achieves exceptionally high efficiency.


  • Java supports Multithreading
  • Automatic Memory Management
  • Stability and massive community
  • Remote Method Invocation(RMI)
  • The security risk is low
  • Good for enterprise computing
  • High-Level Language


  • Poor Performance in Speed
  • Garbage collection
  • Paid for the commercial license
  • Poor Memory Management
  • Not Support unsigned Data Type


  • Embedded Systems
  • Web Applications
  • Development of  Web Servers and Application Servers
  • Development of Enterprise Applications
  • Build Desktop GUI Applications by using AWT and Swing
  • Development of Game Engine
  • Development of Cloud Application
  • Development of Distributed Application


  • Hibernate
  • Spring
  • Google web toolkit [GWT]
  • Struts
  • JavaServer Faces [JSF]
  • Vaadin
  • Play
  • Dropwizard
  • Blade

3. C++

top 10 programming languages

Bjarne Stroustrup developed C++ as an addition of the C language with important, generic programming features.

C++ is one of the influential object-oriented, general-purpose programming languages. It plays a crucial role in developing an advanced game app offering lucrative gameplay.

In this progressive era, C++ language can be used in developing virtual reality on the Unreal Engine 4 platform. It allows developers to create an augmented reality, virtual reality concept without writing the code. For additional features and functionality, developers may require to write the code.

You can easily find a C++ developer with an extraordinary skill set to develop and create great outstanding concepts and games using trending technologies.


  • C++ support rich function library
  • C++ support Multi-paradigm
  • C++ is an Object-Oriented Programming Language
  • Low-level Manipulation
  • Memory Management
  • Scalability
  • Large Community Support
  • Support Cross-Platform
  • The speed of execution is fast.


  • Security is low
  • Not Support Garbage Collector
  • Not support Built-in Thread
  • C++ use Use of Pointers


  • Development of Operating System
  • Development of Game
  • Development of Web Browser
  • Compiler Development
  • Development of Graphics
  • Banking Application
  • Development of Database Software

4. Javascript

top 10 programming languages

Javascript is a dynamic language that first appeared in December 1995. It’s a prototype-based, multi-paradigm, powerful language. Javascript supports object-oriented, imperative, and declarative style by being the language of the web.

It improves the possibility of data validation, ensuring no vulnerabilities. Javascript used for both server-side and client-side programming. Regular updates of this language keep you updated and help you meet market expectations.

This widely-used programming language is easy to use and enables developers to create a high-level application in this language. It works well for the WEBVR platform involved in the production of web-based applications.


  • Easy to learn
  • Client-Side Scripting Language
  • It extended the functionality of web page
  • No Compilation is needed
  • Easy to debug and testing
  • Cross-platform
  • Speed is fast
  • Rich Interface
  • Versatility
  • Rich Library


  • Code is always visible
  • Client-side security
  • Rendering Issues
  • Not Support all Web Browser
  • Single Inheritance
  • Sluggish bit-wise function


  • Web Application Development
  • Web Server Application Development
  • Game Development using HTML5
  • Mobile App Development
  • Smart Watch Application


  • Angular
  • React
  • Node Js
  • Aurelia
  • Mithril
  • Backbone.js
  • Meteor
  • Vue.js

5. Golang

Go is Google’s second language that has gained immense popularity. It was constructed by Robert Griesemer and introduced in 2009 at Google. Considering its high-level features, it’s now being used by many businesses around the globe and for a multitude of apps; some of Go’s programming customers are Dropbox, Google, SoundCloud, Cloudflare, Docker and Cloud Foundry.

Go is a compiled programming language that blends security and static language with the efficiency of an interpreted language. This language is modern, multicore computers with other networking skills. It claims that its production processes over 50 million logs a day. It relies entirely on the analysis of static code.

>>>Read More: Advantages and Disadvantages of Golang<<<


  • Ideal for building SPAs (single page application)
  • Smart documentation
  • Comprehensive standard library
  • Secure
  • Offer simplicity and scalability
  • Golang is fast
  • Golang is supported Concurrent
  • It is Cross-platform
  • Golang Support garbage collector
  • Easy to debugging and testing
  • It supports Static Code Analysis
  • It also detects Race condition
  • Opinionatedness


  • It does not support third-party module
  • It is not a flexible language
  • It does not support manual memory management
  • Run time safety is not good
  • Lake of Framework
  • Package Management is not good
  • Poor library support
  • Development Community is not large


  • Mobile Application Development
  • Cloud Application Development
  • Distributed System Development
  • Desktop Application Development


  • Gin Gonic
  • Buffalo
  • Martini
  • Gorilla
  • Mango
  • Revel
  • Web.go

6. Swift

Swift programming language was first introduced in June 2014 worldwide by Apple Inc. For iOS, macOS, iPads, TVOS, watches, Linux, and Z/OS. Its a general-purpose, multi-paradigm, iOS app development programming language.

This powerful and intuitive programming language is designed to work with Apple’s Cocoa and Cocoa touch framework. Its first award in Stack Overflow Developers Survey 2015 and got second place in 2016. The primary purpose of this language was helping developers to build mobile apps that run on Apple devices. Swift eliminates all unsafe codes and carefully tracks all the errors which reduce the incorrect application operation.


  • Automatic memory management
  • Interoperable with objective C
  • Support dynamic library
  • Offer faster Development
  • Easy Code Readability
  • Code maintains is very easy
  • It supports dynamic library
  • It is cross-platform


  • It does not support earlier iOS versions
  • Lake of third party support of tools and IDE
  • Talent pool is limited


  • Development of iOS Application
  • Mac Os Desktop Application

7. PHP

Php is the most widely used language/platform for web-based apps and website creation today. It is also known as Hypertext preprocessors created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994.

It enables developers to create an interactive dynamic web page that effectively works with the database. It is also considered as a general-purpose programming language that can be easily embedded in HTML files and HTML codes. If you wish to get server-side web development, then this is the language you wish to choose.


Do You Want to Hire a PHP Developer


  • PHP is Open Source language
  • PHP is platform-independent
  • Large community support
  • Offers numerous automation tools
  • Supports object-oriented and functional programming
  • Easy to learn and execute
  • Easy to maintain
  • It is stable


  • It does not fully secure because it is an open-source language
  • It is not suitable for large application
  • Poor Error handling
  • It does not support a large no of app


  • Web Application Development
  • Development of CMS
  • eCommerce Web Application
  • Image Processing and Graphics Design
  • To Development of Data Representation System


  • Laravel
  • Yii2
  • CodeIgniter
  • Cake PHP
  • Fuel PHP
  • Slim
  • Zend

8. Kotlin

Kotlin made its first appearance in 2011 designed by JetBrains. This programming language has gained momentum as an official language for Android and Google. It’s famous as one of the best cross-platform, statically typed, general-purpose programming languages.

Kotlin is a distinct language that is carried out as an aspiration for higher productivity in 2021. This modern language is proven beneficial for beginners and can be used as an entry point for Kotlin web Development. By using the Kotlin multi-platform framework, one can select a shared codebase that runs two platforms at the same time.

>>>Read More: Kotlin vs Java for Android Development<<

Pros & Cons of Using Kotlin 


  • Enhance Efficiency
  • Highly Reliable
  • Easy learning curve
  • Support Modern Programming
  • It is easy to development of android application
  • Easy to learn


  • KotlinCompilation Speed is slow
  • There are not enough resources for learning Kotlin


  • Android Application Development
  • Native Application Development


  • Ktor
  • Javelin
  • Spark
  • Vert.x
  • Spring Boot

9. Ruby

Ruby is one of the most considered object-oriented scripting programming languages. Some of the top organizations like Github, Scribd, Groupon, Motorola are using this popular general-purpose programming language. Yukihiro Matsumoto designed it in the mid-’90s.

This flexible language can help you redefine existing parts and allow users to alter their parts as they wish freely. It doesn’t need any variable declaration, and it generally prefers English keywords and some punctuation.


Want to Hire a Ruby on Rails Developer


  • Cost-Effective
  • Line of code is less
  • Open Source
  • Platform Independency
  • Speed is fast
  • Secure


  • It is not the fully flexible language
  • It is not a stable language
  • Code execution time is low


  • Web Application Development
  • Server Side Application Development


  • Ruby on Rails
  • Padrino
  • Sinatra
  • Cuba
  • Roda
  • Hanami
  • Pakyow
  • Scorched

10. R

R is a popular programming language developed by Ross Ihaka and Rober Gentleman in 1993. It’s mainly popular among data miners and statisticians for developing advanced statistical software and data analysis.

This programming language includes machine learning algorithms and allows individuals to analyze data following certain steps:

Programming > Transforming > Discovering > Modeling > Communication

R is specially designed for data science and to do statistics. Due to its lucrative features and high functionality, multiple industries use it.


  • It is Open Source language
  • It is Cross-platform
  • It is a support extension
  • Support for data wrangling
  • Connect with other languages
  • Engaged community
  • It supports Array of Package
  • Quality plotting and graphing


  • Execution Speed is not good
  •  Issues in Data handling
  • It provides basic security
  • Complicated Language


  • Shiny


  • Data Analysis
  • Data Representations
  • statistical analysis
  • Finance
  • Backing Application
  • Scientific Data Analysis

Types of Programming Languages

Developers use suitable programming languages for their own particular project purpose or syntax they want to use to generate instructions. Here are different sorts of programming languages they use-

Low-level Languages 

Using these kinds of languages offers abstraction from the hardware and are depicted in the binary form that is either o or 1 referred to as machine instruction. Low-level languages also have two types-

  • Machine-level languages 
  • Assembly level languages

High-level Languages

It permits developers to code programs that are not related to the type of computer. These are close to human languages and understandable easily, it’s just that it needs attention for the problem logic. It has advantages like- 

  • Easy to maintain and learn 
  • Portability with the machine-independency 

Everything Considered

Comparing programming languages is a daunting task. Figuring out what is best for you only depends on your requirements and the futuristic approach you wish to follow in 2021. The languages which are fighting for its acceptance this year can be seen in trending programming languages 2021.

All the languages are essential to developing a next-generation app considering the rapid growth of the industry. These are some of the hottest future programming languages 2021  in any industry helping people to undergo a redefining experience.

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Nidhi Sharma

Holding years of rich experience in Content Writing on different niches and exploring ways to learn more. Majorly talks about Traveling, Games, Software, Mobile App Development Lifestyle and attempts to spread knowledge about the latest trends and technologies.

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