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Opportunities and Challenges of Big Data Analytics for Healthcare

written by Admin | Jan 07, 2019

Big Data Analytics is a Healthcare application and has many positive life-saving advantages. Healthcare analytics is the term used for collecting data from four areas of healthcare. It’s a growing Industry and expected to grow stronger in the coming years. Big data analytics industry, mainly focuses on financial analysis, Supply chain analysis, Clinical analysis, fraud analysis, and HR analysis.

Healthcare analytics has the potential to reduce the cost of treatment and improve the quality of life. It has a huge digitalized database that gets consolidated and analyzed by distinct technologies. Healthcare analytics use this data to prevent disease and cut down maximum possible cost. The number of experienced people is analyzing this data for advanced research projects.

What is Big Data in Healthcare?

Big Data Analytics for Healthcare can be defined in 3 V’s, Big data volume, velocity, and variety. In 2001, Doug Laney and now Gartner invented this term. The application of big data analytics refers to the huge amount of data created by the emergence of technology and applied in health care to prevent health diseases and to cut down the cost. Many Software development Companies supporting it and striving to improve in the most compelling way.

Big data analytics in health care providers with the insight of the huge amount of data and improved outcomes. It holds the promise to support many health conditions by analyzing the data. It’s difficult or almost impossible to manage this huge amount of data, however, this technology has made it possible. Big data analytics in healthcare is getting an unbelievable response and expected to grow more than $18.7 billion by 2020 (Source). It collects the data from four health care areas.

  1. Claims and Cost Data

  2. Pharmaceutical and Research & development data

  3. Clinical Data

  4. Patient Behavior and Sentimental Data

By collecting data it has shown dramatic improvement in patient experience and quality treatment. It slowly accommodates the new technologies and helps people to make a better decision. It helps the patients to manage their health conditions in a more secure way.

Challenges of Big Data Analytics for Healthcare

Healthcare organizations face several challenges including security, data integrity, and visualization. With rapidly changing technologies its hard to address all the issues. Here we have listed some of the most common challenges faced by Big Data Analytics for Healthcare.

1. Overlooking Privacy and Security: – Big data analytics for healthcare industry holds a huge amount of data. Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, many states have their own privacy and security policies. To provide with greater privacy protection every state secures the individual’s data in a diversified way. Big data Ensures better security by running open source technology. The cloud-based solution can be the problem solved for big data analytics for health care.

2. Capturing the Data: – Capturing the complete data that is accurate, formatted correctly and clean is a task for the healthcare industry. Incomplete understanding and without complete knowledge its difficult to capture the accurate information. Capturing accurate data requires a lot of planning and proper execution. To avoid the challenges big data organizations should be selective about big data vendors.

3. Expertise: – Big Data Analytics for Healthcare requires a lot of research and with a limited specialized skill set its a growing challenge. A maximum number of organizations require a highly skilled data scientist to manipulate and get data out of the big environment. Although variations in the tooling system allow less specialized people to be able to work on big data analytics.

4. Integration of Data: Its the biggest hurdle in big data medicine, Integrating medical data to spread many sources governed by different states, administrative departments, and hospitals. These data sources require a well-planned infrastructure wherein data providers can collaborate without facing any problem.

5. Require to Implement New Online Software: – One of the biggest challenge standing in the way to use big data is problematic data convention. It requires new online software to catch with the standard of future-oriented approach. All the industries are following the future-oriented approach and for big data to, not lag behind from the industry, it’s necessary to implement business intelligence strategy and new online software.

6. Regular Monitoring: – Major barrier in big data analytics for health care is regular monitoring. It requires extensive staffing and infrastructure to collect the complete data efficiently. The high standard of the data-analytics tool requires to keep the accurate data maintained regularly.

7. Change of Policy: – To diminish the barriers to health analytics it’s quite important to change the policies. Change in the policy will help big data analytics to overcome the health care challenges and allow all the hospitals to record, use and share patient data in the most useful way.

Despite all the challenges Big Data Consulting Services help the patients and hospitals to improve the way they perform. To get the potential benefit its must to overcome the challenges and allow all the relevant components of the health care system to work efficiently.

Opportunities in Big Data Analytics for Healthcare

Extract the most meaningful aspect of big data Healthcare by understanding the opportunities it can bring in the system and allow organizations to utilize enormous data efficiently.

  • Big data analytics for health care contributes in to lessen the cost of health care.

  • Big data analytics in healthcare combine clinical advancement and technology advancement to benefit the overall population.

  • Big data offer new ways for healthcare organizations to develop actionable insight.

  • It boosts the Smart healthcare system and provides them with the future-oriented vision.

  • Big data analytics for healthcare enables better administration in clinical workloads.

  • It can improve the operation efficiency and can revolutionize the healthcare industry.

  • Big data analytics in healthcare effectively handles the huge amount of data.

  • It helps in predicting and plan the responses to diseases effectively.

  • It enhances the quality of monitoring clinical trials

  • Big data analytics simplify the complexities and make data more accessible.

  • Big data helps in predictive analytics.

Data analytics can create business value and competitive advantages in the healthcare industry. It has lots of opportunities to improve healthcare quality and performance to reduce the overall cost. With improved technologies it easier to collect data and provide better care. It reduces the cost and allows patients to prioritize outcomes.

Related Post: Increase Your Businesses Revenue With Big Data Analytics

How Big Data Analytics Improve Healthcare

  • It helps in integrating data and allows healthcare with a broader diagnosis

  • It allows the data security and provides with security from fraudulent activities.

  • Big data analytics allow extensive research to cure cancer.

  • It increases the patient engagement in their own health.

  • It allows the data to use in better informed strategic planning.

Big Data Analytics in Healthcare has the potential to improve people’s lives and save money. It allows the early identification of an individual’s illness and allows hospitals to take preventive actions. It has transformed the complete healthcare industry. Its slowly adopting the new technologies and allowing them to inform better decision and improved operations. Its goal is to treat patients effectively and have the right staffing resources.

Unquestionably big data can transform the overall industry and provide with value-based care. It can improve the patient experience and reveal ways to reduce the treatment cost. It allows patients to get greater access to professional care.
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